Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Turret gunner

I wake up at night

The song "morie sky" sung by Linkin Park
Runs through my head

As the vehicle commander I sometimes relieved my gunner from his duties so he could get some shut eye. We would be out in the desert for many days and had to keep a man on the gun at all times. Our truck had a .50 cal mounted on it.

I remember one mission heading south from Now Zad, crossing through the waddies of the foot. The moon was full and the sun hadn't set yet. Our Vic was rear security, so we had the whole rear sector of fire. I had one ear to the radio, and one ear on the iPod. Right as the sun set over the horizon of the dusty barren, mountains that song came on as I held on to the two handles of the Ma Duece...

I looked over my shoulder
I was super woman for those few minutes

What an amazing feeling

I wouldn't let Thompson back up till the next mission.

That was a good night

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